Radiology Info is designed with the patient in mind. Developed jointly by The American College of Radiology and the Radiological Society of North America, this site provides information for Diagnostic Radiology, Radiation Therapy and Interventional Radiology including how the various procedures are performed, what the experience is like from the patient’s point of view and how to prepare for the exams. An extensive glossary of terms is also included.
The Breast Cancer Site – By simply visiting this web site and clicking the button “Fund Free Mammograms” you can help provide a free mammogram for a woman in need. Supported by advertising sponsors, funds generated by visitors’ clicks at The Breast Cancer Site go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives through early detection. The National Breast Cancer Foundation uses funds from the site specifically to provide free mammograms to minority, low-income and working-poor women living in inner cities across the United States.
National Osteoporosis Foundation – A recent report by the National Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that eight million American women and 2 million men have osteoporosis, and an estimated 34 million more have low bone density. Prevalence estimates based on 2000 census data for 2010 and 2020 show those numbers growing. The National Osteoporosis Foundation web site provides useful information on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
A Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) is the only way to diagnose osteoporosis. Are you a candidate for BMD? See our Osteoporosis Risk Questionnaire.
Other Sites to See:
American Cancer Society
American Lung Association
American Medical Association
National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute
National Library of Medicine
Society of Cardiovascular & Interventional Radiology